Systematic Brains
High Performance Websites
James Osborne / Pixabay

High-Performance, High-Conversion Websites

You have mere seconds to grab your visitors’ attention. That includes site loading time, understanding the message, and deciding if you are trustworthy.

(The time it took you to skim-read the above text - that’s it, that’s all you get. By now you have decided if you want to learn more, or moved on.)

Check your website

Full site URL, including http(s)

Impact on your business success

Your website is the paramount of your business presence. In the past people would come to your office and get their impressions how stable and trustworthy you are. Nowadays that role is taken over by your website.

A number of small business owners neglect their website, or do not have one at all - after all, they have their Facebook page, right? Wrong. Your organization should have its own name and also own the domain name (e.g. that goes with it - for a website, for business emails, for online advertising and more.

If you outsource your online presence to an external company - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. - you become their hostage.

It is up to somebody else if people will know you exist, they may force you to comply with their business agenda, which might not be in-line with yours, or they may even shut down - happens all the time. You cannot afford not to have control over your online presence.

Impact on client experience

Having a well-structured, easy to navigate, fast website makes the difference between having the chance to present your products / services, and seeng your potential clients go to your competition - not necessarily because they offer a better product / service, buut because they were smart enough to showcase it better.

Impact on Google ranking

Google ranks your website in a similar way your visitors do.

Google’s search engine algorithm has been tweaked for decades to give its users the best possible results for their searches. If users like your pages, so does Google - they evaluate click-through rates, bounces and time spent on site, among other parameters.

And let’s agree on one thing - the better you rank on Google, the higher your success and profit.

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