Systematic Brains
Google Search Ranking
Sarah Blocksidge / Pexels

Google Search Ranking

Ranking high on Google Search is difficult. The search results are limited, so Google has to prioritize the best ones. So how do you become the best?

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a discipline of performing a set of actions to optimize your website so it ranks higher in search results. There is a number of rules your website needs to adhere to - technical, content-wise, link building, etc.

Some domains are easier than others - less competition in general, not-so-advanced competitors, etc. Others are a real challenge. Either way, certain steps need to be performed, which non-specialists usually get wrong. So even if you might not get to the first position, getting the basics right will take you ahead of 80-90% of the competition.

Basic SEO disciplines

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